Welcome to dotnetiseasy.com site. you will learn here to create basic software and website. you will learn HTML syntax and other stuff. you will also able to learn SQL syntax with exampal.

We will try to take care of all difficulties faced during developing website and devopling any software in .NET using visual studio. We will also share experiance and some common codes which will help you to work fast.

You are requested to share your experiance and code snippet so freshers can get help from one place only.

Replace string as camelCase in MSSQL

Convert your words from snake_case to camelCase replacing "_" using CTE table.


Pivot in mssql with very simple example

Find Quarter Dates and month start and end dates

Find Quarter Dates and month start and end dates

password validation in C#

Password validation in C#

Generate Series IN SQL

Generate Series in SQL

Convert Date DDMMYY to DateTime

Convert Date DDMMYY to DateTime

Allow special char in Oracle

Allow special char "&" in Oracle

Get Hour and minute in SQL

Get Hour and minute in SQL

Generate Random Number And Random String In C#

C# Random class provides functionality to generate random numbers in C#. The Random class constructors have two overloaded forms. It takes either no value or it takes a seed value

See what queries are currently running

Sometimes you required to see what is currently running on a SQL server. Its usually required when any query is running from very long time and you need to tran what query is running On SQL Server 2005 and later this is easy to achieve using View dm_exec_requests (Dynamic Management).

Submit and Reset

Radio buttons is used to select only one option at a time.

Internal Link

This is used to creat link within the page

Difinition lists

This is used to creat definition lists

Input Tag

This is used to input text in a form.

Form Tag

A Form is a collection of data in specific fields. Forms are used to build interactivity in the web page. This is a non-empty tag.

Simple Windows Form Login Application in C#

We will learn how to create a Simple Windows application, We will design Login form and display User name in new form using database in mssql.

HTML Documents

All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html>. The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with </html>. The visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and </body>.

What is SQL?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is the standard language for dealing with relational database.

Various Connection String

All Database ConnectionString in web.config file for ASP.NET